Southwest Tasmania Day 2 (part 2)
Read part 1 here. After lunch, we headed off in the opposite direction with the intention to see the Red Knoll Lookout. It starts with a 40km drive back the way we’d come yesterday to the turnoff to Scotts Peak Dam. About 2.5 km along the unsealed road was...
Southwest Tasmania day 2 (part 1)
This morning’s plan was to wake up early—well, as early as I’d need to when the sun rises close to 8 am—and take some sunrise photos over the lake. This plan was somewhat thwarted by the fact that everywhere was enveloped in fog and the sun was nowhere to...
Southwest Tasmania Day 1 (part 2)
In the first week of the school holidays, we took a few days off and travelled to Strathgordon on Lake Pedder in the southwest Tasmanian wilderness. You can read about our first stop on the way, at The Needles, here. Or if you just want to look at some...
The Needles—Southwest Tasmania Day 1
This week we had a three-day break at Lake Pedder in Tasmania’s southwest. None of us had been before so we were all looking forward to it and had several short walks planned. From Hobart, we headed to New Norfolk and turned onto the Gordon River Road at Bushy...