Category: self

Stolen Focus

Stolen Focus I’d heard a lot about Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. A couple of people I know had read it, and it kept popping up in book lists and newsletters from bookstores. There was a long wait for it at the library so I only got it right...

Week 5/2023: Atomic habits

Week of 30 January 2023 Putting things in place I had only two days of work this week before having a week off for the last week of school holidays. It’s weird, knowing that there’s only one more year that January will be school holidays. Time off has given...

Week 4/2023: Plan on friday

Week of 23 January 2023 A week on and a week off After our week in Sydney, I went straight back to work on Monday knowing I’d only have just over a week before I’d be on leave for another week. The main things I wanted to do this...

The meh week got exciting

Week 01/2023: Week of 2 January 2023 The meh week If week 52 is the void week (a description I read somewhere that describes the week between Christmas and New Year for those of us who are lucky to have off when we don’t know what day it is...

Four thousand weeks

Embracing my finitude and living my life I wrote about the book Four Thousand Weeks several times earlier this year and I felt like I had to write a post about it because it has the potential to change my life. But I kept putting it off and wondering...

Week 50/2022: The end of what?

Week of 12 December 2022 The end of what? I’m getting that end of year exhaustion thing that seems to strike in early December where people (or is it just me?) start to think the end of the year is looming, so there’s not much point in starting anything...

Week 48/2022: The continuing shoulder saga

Week of 28 November 2022 The continuing shoulder saga I went back to the physio this week. She asked me about my back injury. It’s settled down a lot, I said. And your shoulder? I feel like that’s not getting any better. It’s a bit stuck. Have you been...

Week 47/2022: Moving again

Week of 21 November 2022 Move by 3 p.m. Getting back to posts about Laura Vanderkam’s book Tranquility by Tuesday, chapter 3 is called Move by 3 p.m. (Yes, I’ve skipped chapter 2. Because it’s complicated!) If you’re super observant, you might have noticed one of the habits I’ve...

Week 44/2022: It’s not happening

Week of 31 October 2022 It’s not happening I don’t know, I’m just not feeling it at the moment. Unmotivated, uninspired, like I could just sit on the couch all day and feed my mind and body crap. I know there’s a lot of pandemic fatigue out there and...