Category: self

Week 9/2024: Four thousand weeks and counting

Week of 26 February 2024 The last official week of summer included a ‘leap day’, which passed by un-noticed. Sunday was an incredibly windy day and I stayed inside all day. By mid-afternoon I was sick of being stuck inside and went for a walk to the beach. It...

Week 8/2024: Sandstone and dancing

Week of 19 February 2024 I had another busy weekend, doing some cool activities Richmond Open House Richmond was a one-off Open House organised to fit in with Richmond’s bicentenary celebrations running from December 2023 to March 2024. Mumirimina A sobering but important part of this is the Mumirimina:...

Week 7/2024: Theatre and walking

Content warning: Euthanasia Week of 12 February 2024 We had a public holiday on Monday, which was very welcome. I went to see the play Last Cab to Darwin on Wednesday. And on Sunday, Kramstable, Lil Sis and I went in Run the Bridge. A Wednesday night out Last...

Week 6/2024: Pride week and mean girls

Week of 5 February 2024 This was the last week (or half week) of school holidays and I had a few days off before I went back to work. Pride week Flags and marches This week was also the start of TasPride’s 2024 Summer Festival, ‘Together We Can ....

Week 3/2024: Built to move (part 2)

Week of 15 January 2024 Last week I wrote about embarking on the 10-day Built To Move Challenge, hosted by Kelly Starrett and Juliet Starrett of The Ready State. This is part 2. Built to Move Challenge The 10 days of this challenge are based on the 10 chapters...

Week 2/2024: Built to move

Week of 8 January 2024 Built to move Back in the middle of 2023, when I was dealing with a painful back injury, I came across the book Built to Move by Kelly Starrett and Juliet Starrett. I’d seen the book mentioned in a review and it sounded interesting...

Week 1/2024 (part 2): Annual review

Week of 1 January 2024 Annual review: The week after the in-between week I was meant to go back to work this week. To clarify, I was supposed to have last week off, a public holiday on Monday, another day off on Tuesday, and go back to work on...

Week 51/2023: ‘Twas the week before christmas

The last week of work for 2023 Week of 18 December 2023 The 21st of December Gravy Day. What started as a greeting on December 21 in the official Paul Kelly email group (this is how long it’s been going) is now kind of a mainstream(ish) Thing. Someone else...

Week 48/2023: Back to the theatre

It’s December already Week of 27 November 2023 Back to the theatre Way back August (it seems so long ago now), I wrote about my acting class and our performance in Hobart’s One Fest. It was a wonderful experience to work on a play and perform it in an...

Week 47/2023: Recovering, and meeting the governor

An excellent week Week of 20 November 2023 Recovery from the Point to Pinnacle This was my recovery week from Sunday’s Point to Pinnacle. I was relieved the walk was over! My sore foot didn’t hurt too much and the small amount of pain I’d had in my right...