Category: self

Week 25/2024: Winter art

Week of 17 June 2024 This week I unexpectedly ended up looking at two very different artworks in Hobart. Winter art Sacrifice What are you willing to sacrifice for your salmon dinner? This is the question artists Jessica Coughlan and Amy Brown have asked visitors to Hobart’s waterfront in...

Week 23/2024: Pausing

Week of 3 June 2024 Pausing I’ve been wondering whether or not write a post on perimenopause. For most women, perimenopause is the stage when your hormones start to mess with you, leading up to actual menopause, which is defined as the point in time 12 months after your...

Week 22/2024: Hacking and journalling

Week of 27 May 2024 Hacking and journalling There were two highlights this week, both of which meant I had to drive a car to get there. (I dislike driving and avoid it wherever possible so you’ll know if I drive somewhere I either have no choice or it’s...

Week 21/2024: A busy Sunday

Week of 20 May 2024 This was a busy Sunday after a solid week at work. Walking, connecting and breathing City to Casino City to Casino is one of the fun runs that Kramstable, Lil Sis and I do every year. It’s a 7 km walk and run from...

Week 20/2024: Artrage

Week of 13 May 2024 ArtRage 2023 On Thursday I went to the ArtRage exhibition at the Salamanca Arts Centre. The Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (QVMAG) in Launceston curates this annual exhibition, which showcases art from the previous year’s students from years 11 and 12 across Tasmania....

Canberra & NSW travel blog part 4: Tumut

Day 5 & 6: Tumut & Blowering Dam—and heading home I wrote about my morning in Tumut and our walk on the Adelong sculpture trail in part 3. After we’d finished at the sculpture trail, we drove back to Tumut. Blowering Dam Slabs wanted to continue the nostalgia journey...

Week 17/2024: Somatic stagecraft

Week of 22 April 2024 It was a quiet week. I had Monday off to recover from the holiday and Thursday was a public holiday. Somatic Stagecraft On Saturday I went to a workshop called Somatic Stagecraft with Jem Nicholas and Bec Tilley. Jem is an Alexander Technique teacher,...

Tasmania reads

Tasmania Reads: Try something new Tasmania Reads week is an annual week of events to promote and celebrate the art of reading across Tasmania. It’s run by Libraries Tasmania and this year’s theme was to “try something new”, which might include reading a new genre, a different author or...

Week 11/2024: Queer history walk

A walk into the Queer History of Hobart Week of 11 March 2024 This was a great week! Monday was a public holiday and I took part in two wonderful activities later in the week. More to come on one of these. The context If you’re familiar with the...

Week 10/2024: Stop clearing the decks

Week of 4 March 2024 At the risk of sounding like I’m turning my learnings from Four Thousand Weeks into a project, I tried one of the strategies in the book this week. Another 4,000 weeks post Stop clearing the decks (part 1) Not clearing the decks is one...