Category: self

30 days of growth mindset: day 8

I’m struggling with translating the “30 days of growth mindset” challenge into actionable steps, but I’ve had a couple of times in the last week where I’ve picked up on an opportunity to learn. One at work, in a situation where I could have felt threatened and annoyed, but...

30 days alcohol-free: day 21

All is well. This is probably the longest stretch that I haven’t had alcohol since I was pregnant – in 2006. I’m quite liking feeling tired at a one-digit hour rather than keeping myself a bit wired and staying up until midnight or later. This morning I got out...

Book 12/24: 8 Minute Meditation

8 Minute Meditation, by Victor Davish appealed to me because of its cover, which claims that I could “develop mindfulness for greater clarity, lower stress, increased productivity and a happier life in just 8 minutes a day”. That seems like a pretty big claim. When I bought it I’d been...

30 days growth mindset: Day 1

Day 1 of challenge 2 arrived (yesterday). I wasn’t really sure what 30 days of growth mindset would look like, so I went back to Carol Dweck’s book Mindset and her website, where there’s a quiz you can take to determine whether you have a mostly fixed or mostly...

Challenge 2 – 30 days of growth mindset

I wrote this post several days ago, but have held off on posting it because I’m scared of putting this out there. Also I had intermittent internet over the weekend, so it was difficult to sit down and finish it off, and other things were happening at the same...

30 days alcohol-free: Day 16

I’ve passed the half way mark of 30 days alcohol-free, the first challenge of my #steppingonthecracks project. It’s been easier than I expected. I haven’t really felt much like having a drink, and times when I have I haven’t felt so strongly about it that I’ve had to do...

#30daychallenges – an introduction

I’ve been doing a lot of reading (for me) this year, listening to podcasts and making notes like there’s no tomorrow, with no clear idea of what I’m going to do with everything that I’ve been learning. I have beautifully organised Evernote notebooks (really) where I’m keeping a lot...

Walk in her shoes – a reflection on the week

So another Walk In Her Shoes week is over; my third time participating in this event for CARE Australia. I love the idea behind the challenge: to walk 100km (or the distance of your choice) to raise funds for CARE’s work in countries where women and girls miss out...

12 of 12 March 2016 – Part 2

Part 1 of this post, in which I try to get into the habit of an earlier bedtime, is here. The story continues . . . I decided that, even though I wasn’t feeling so good, I’d get up and go for a walk this morning. Slabs suggested I...

12 of 12 March 2016 (Part 1) – all about sleep

Saturday 12 March 20126 – Day 5 of Walk in her Shoes. **1 of 12:** According to my Fitbit I was only awake/restless for 18 minutes of the 8 hours I was in bed last night. I can assure it that its calculations are wildly inaccurate, as I was...