Category: school

Week 42/2023: Queer art and quirky architecture

Queer Art and Quirky Architecture Week of 16 October 2023 Artfully Queer This week marked the start of TasPride’s annual Artfully Queer exhibition at the Salamanca Long Gallery. This is a fabulous exhibition of work from Tasmanian lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* & queer artists, with the theme this year...

Week 39/2023: Heartbreak

Heartbreak: The oak and the plover Week of 25 September 2023 The oak When Kramstable left primary school in 2018, his school gave each of the year 6 leavers an oak sapling descended from its oak tree as a memory of their time there. I wrote about it at...

Week 37/2023: Airmail

The first airmail service from Tasmania Week of 11 September 2023 The things you find in piles of old papers Looking through some of my mother’s papers on the weekend, I discovered a letter written to my grandmother, who was living in Melbourne, from her brother, my great uncle,...

Week 34/2023: Life is pain, Highness

Week of 21 August 2023 (part 1) Life is pain, Highness Anyone who says differently is selling something. I’m writing this week’s post in two parts because one part is great and one is . . . Not. Let’s get the misery out of the way first. Week 34...

Week 14/2023: A slow, painful week

Week of 3 April 2023 A slow down This week I was going to try out Laura Vanderkam’s idea of creating backup slots in my week to allow for unexpected things that might derail me. I didn’t end up doing it because Friday was a holiday and I didn’t...

Week 6/2023: Beginnings

Week of 6 February 2023 The 2023 school year begins This week Kramstable started his first year of college; the first year of his final phase of school life. My school experience has changed a lot since Kramstable started kinder in 2011. Primary school was eight very long years,...

Week 50/2022: The end of what?

Week of 12 December 2022 The end of what? I’m getting that end of year exhaustion thing that seems to strike in early December where people (or is it just me?) start to think the end of the year is looming, so there’s not much point in starting anything...

Week 37/2022: Writing bootcamp week 1

Week of 12 September 2022 Writing bootcamp week 1 (aka how many times can I fit the word “week” into a title?) Time to put my writing plan into action, which means I had to do a writing task every day from the Australian Writers Centre Creative Writing Bootcamp....

Week 48/2021: the heat is on

Week of 29 November 2021 The heat is on I think it’s fair to say that I found this week hard. I was in my workplace for four days, which is the most time in a row I’ve been in there since we moved to working from home in...