Category: productivity

20 for 2020: week 7

Week of 10 February After two intense days of editing my uni assignment last weekend, I was grateful for a public holiday on Monday to recover. Kramstable and I were home and we took advantage of the space I’d made to set up the studio equipment (thing 11) and find...

20 for 2020: week 4

Week of 20 January There’s not a lot to report on this week. I went to work and had two days off that were largely taken up with family matters, a big event on Saturday and a long bike ride and some study on Sunday. It means I didn’t...

20 for 2020: week 1

Week of 30 December Week one of 20 for 2020 was only five days, but I’ll count it as a week. I haven’t made a page for the list yet, but here’s a link to the first post where I outlined the 20 (or 22) things I want to...

Weekend wisdom 9

I went through my email inbox this morning and I didn’t get a lot this week that I really want to remember so it’s a short post this week. One thing I’ve been loving lately is James Clear’s new weekly 3-2-1 email, which offers three ideas, two quotes and...

Weekend wisdom 8

A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. This week, I stumbled on Dr Sarah McKay, a neuroscientist who studies women’s brains. She’s also an author and presents the ABC’s Catalyst program. On her blog Your Brain Health, Sarah...

Weekend wisdom 6

A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. This week, I found myself annoyed at someone about something they did, or rather, something they didn’t do. The thing about this was that the person would have had no idea that...

Weekend wisdom 3

A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. This week was a mix of a couple of intense days and a couple of less intense days where I was able to slow down and deal with the backlog of...

Weekend wisdom

One of the things I try to do on Saturday mornings is to go through the backlog of emails in my inbox that I haven’t read or dealt with during the week. I’m a slightly flawed follower of the inbox zero regime and I don’t often get to inbox...

Bored and Brilliant challenge 5: Doing the deep work

Previous posts on the challenge: Bored and Brilliant introduction post Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Challenge 4 I went for a week without Instagram on my phone because of this challenge. The thing that doing this did most was to make me realise how many times I pick...

Bored and Brilliant challenge 4: app addled

Previous posts on the challenge: Bored and Brilliant introduction post Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 An idea came to me for a work thing while I was out walking without my phone. It works! Today was the day to delete the app. The tough day that was coming...