Category: productivity

Week 08/2022: A busy week

Week of 21 February 2022 A busy week What did I want to do this week? Week 3’s TAFE work (thing 8) Mindspot (thing 1) Work through more lessons from Cosmic Calibration (thing 22) Sort out my online writing support group Get through the event I’m organising for work...

Week 07/2022: Todo-what?

Week of 14 February 2022 Todo-what? What did I want to do this week? Sort out Todoist (transfer tasks into Evernote) Mindspot (review week 5, work out what I need to do next (eg regularly) and what needs to just be in my toolbox if I need it) TAFE...

Week 06/2022: Back to work

Week of 7 February 2022 Back to work This week it was time to say goodbye to my casual days at home. School went back on Wednesday, I went back to work and it was the first week of my TAFE course (thing 8). My actions for this week...

Week 05/2022: Getting unstuck

Week of 31 January 2022 Getting unstuck What did I want to do this week? My actions for this week were to Finalise my weekly review routine and do it on Sunday morning Identify actions for focus areas I want to work on in February Keep building my “deep...

Week 04/2022: Still settling

Week of 24 January 2022 Still settling We’re four weeks into 2022 and I’m feeling exhausted. I’ve got my three main areas to focus on (body/mind, meaningful work and exploring) and my 22 for 2022 list of things to help me make progress in those areas, but there’s stuff...

Week 03/2022: The list is done!

Week of 17 January 2022 My 22 for 2022 list This is week three of 2022 and I’m still taking my own advice and settling in to the year, working out what I want to achieve this year and what I want to focus my attention on. I’m finding...

Deep work

Deep Work: what I learned Cal Newport has a massive following in the productivity world. A computer science professor at Georgetown University in Washington DC, Cal started writing study advice for students in the mid 2000s and started blogging on the subject on 2007. Since then, he has written...

Week 02/2022: A beginning

Week of 10 January 2022 A beginning Last week, I wrote about how I want my 22 for 2022 list to be relevant to the areas I want to focus my attention on in 2022. Or at least in January 2022, because there’s so much uncertainty at the moment,...

Week 48/2021: the heat is on

Week of 29 November 2021 The heat is on I think it’s fair to say that I found this week hard. I was in my workplace for four days, which is the most time in a row I’ve been in there since we moved to working from home in...

Week 47/2021: 80/20 revisited

Week of 22 November 2021 80/20 revisited I’ve been pulling together some resources to support me in working with the 80/20 principle in the way David duChemin described it in last week’s post. As I was going through my overcrowded email box, I saw several newsletters with links to...