Week 03/2025: An amazing week
An amazing week Week of 13 January 2025 This week was a little better than last week, but I still found myself bursting into tears at random moments as I continued to think about Kramstable’s impending move. I have much more to say about this, not all bad. But...
Week 23/2024: Pausing
Week of 3 June 2024 Pausing I’ve been wondering whether or not write a post on perimenopause. For most women, perimenopause is the stage when your hormones start to mess with you, leading up to actual menopause, which is defined as the point in time 12 months after your...
Week 41/2023: Strange days
It was a strange week Week of 9 October 2023 School holiday fun (and not so fun) moments It started off well enough. It was the second week of school holidays and Kramstable and I went to see Barbie at the wonderful State Cinema. It was a fun day....
Week 31/2023: Menopause in four acts
Week of 31 July 2023 An overwhelming week Things have been getting intense. Lil Sis and I have been avoiding going through our mother’s place now that she’s no longer living there, but the time has now come where we have to do it. I normally write each week’s...
Week 43/2022: The week that wasn’t
Week of 24 October 2022 The week that wasn’t If there were a prize for the worst week of the year so far, this week would win it hands down. It was my first five-day work week for a while and I had to spend two days in an...
Week 52/2021: the last week of the year
Week 52/2021: Week of 27 December 2021 The last week of the year I had a break from work this week, which was beyond nice. It meant I didn’t have to go out. If you’ve been following along these past few weeks you’ll know that I’ve not been in...
Another new year
Before the day begins, before most people are out, the sky continues to change as it has done forever. The terms beginning and end are meaningless here as is, I suppose, the term day. These words are human constructs to mark the passage of time, which, to our thinking,...
Week 51/2021: living in fear
Week 51/2021: Week of 20 December 2021 Living in fear: Rambling at 2 am because I can’t sleep I see the term “living in fear” a lot at the moment. Attributed to various people in the media and in comments on social media posts, it’s used in association with...
Week 50/2021: writing it all down
Week 50/2021: Week of 13 December 2021 Writing it all down This week was very much a continuation of last week. I hated this week as much, if not more than last week. This week the Tasmanian government reopened the borders to interstate travellers, which brought a lot of...
Week 49/2021: let’s just call the whole thing off
Week of 6 December 2021 Let’s just call the whole thing off. I hate this week. 21 for 2021 update I’ve been looking at how much of my list I didn’t get done this year. With less than a month to go in 2021, I’ve completed five things, am...