Category: life

P365 – Day 342 – running (Flashback Friday)

I thought I might try out the Flashback Friday concept and see how it works. I first saw the idea on Nicole’s blog a while ago and I think it fits in quite well with the ‘Past-Present-Future’ theme of my blog. Ok, so today is actually Thursday, not Friday, but this...

P365 – Day 315 – eleven

Yeah I know, time is a human construct, and it isn’t really 2011 anyway because a few years got skipped over a few centuries ago, and it’s just a normal day and a normal minute, and who really cares because the same time will happen in 24 different time...

P365 – Day 312 – yoga

Tonight I went to my first yoga class since 2006. I’ve done yoga on and off ever since I was at uni. Most recently I did pregnancy yoga classes, but that was more than five years ago. I’d been thinking about starting again for a while. What originally got...

P365 – Day 300 – the big 300

Another instalment in the occasional series on what pastpresentfuture is all about. You might also like to read Part 1 and Part 2. This is Day 300 of my Project 365 photo project.  Does anyone know what/where this is? That means I have taken at least one photo every day since 1...

P365 – Day 296 – find your passion

Go directly to the garden. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. I’m one of those people who never knew what they wanted to do after they finished school. I was the career guidance teacher’s number one nightmare, and my parents despaired that I was never going make...

P365 – Day 229 – a little bit of self-indulgence

This book was recommended to me by a counsellor I was seeing a couple of years ago. I got a short way into it, then it all got too hard and I didn’t have enough time to devote to it. Eventually everything fell by the wayside, and I forgot...

P365 – Day 170 stuff this, we’re going out!

I have several friends and a sister who are all cardmakers. I mean cardmakers as opposed to people who make cards, which is what I do (in the same way that I am not a photographer, I take photos). Sometimes. When I can be bothered. Or if there is...

P365 – Day 145 it’s all too much

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I’d come to the realisation that ‘life is now’. It’s not something that happens once you’ve worked out what you want to do and how you’re going to do it. Although I was feeling pretty unwell that day, I appreciated...