Category: kids

the Zoe saga continues

You might remember this post from about six months ago, where I told the story of losing Juniordwarf’s teddy Chocolate-the-Girl (AKA Zoe). Just recently, Chocolate has now taken on her real name of Zoe. In fact, she’s always been Zoe, according to Juniordwarf. Chocolate is her nickname. One Sunday...

a tale of two chocolates

Juniordwarf has a lot of teddies. (The teddies are his vast collection of soft toys, ranging from my old panda through many different species including tigers, a frog and several actual teddies. This is as opposed to the animals, which are all his plastic animals.) Different ones have been...

another end – and a new beginning

Today was Juniordwarf’s last day of daycare. He’s been very excited about it, and had counting down the days to his last day since before school finished last year. On the other hand, I’m feeling a little bit sad and nostalgic about it all. I shed a few tears...

the farmer and the musician

I wasn’t going to write a post today. The 365 Project is over and I can relax and skip a few days, posting only when something that interests me happens, or when I want to talk about something. But today had its moments so I wanted to share them....

P365 – Day 350 – report day

Juniordwarf got his end of year report today.  It spoke of his enthusiasm, his willingness to do what is asked of him and his curiosity. Of all the ‘core markers’ for Kinder students, there was only one that he didn’t meet, so he has made a lot of progress...

P365 – Day 345 – Kangaroo Cook (11/12/2011)

A while ago Juniordwarf started talking about a character called Kangaroo Cook. I assumed that it was a character from a book he’d read at school or a DVD he’d seen somewhere. I searched on the library catalogue and I googled, but to no avail, I couldn’t find anything...

P365 – Day 333 – boats!

A while ago Juniordwarf made some boats out of milk cartons at daycare and Slabs helped him put sails on them and let him sail them in the bath. Well at least one of the boats is still lying around (without the sails), and today Juniordwarf decided that he...

P365 – Day 332 – beans!

When I got home from work this afternoon, the first thing Juniordwarf wanted to show me was some beans that he and his friends had grown at their daycare centre. He was so excited about it, I just had to smile. Slabs said that they were the first thing...