Sustainable living weekend
The Big Weekend of Sustainable Living Ideas On Saturday, Lil Sis and I went to Sustainable Living Tasmania’s Big Weekend of Sustainable Living Ideas, which was held across two venues in Bridgewater. SLT put on free buses from the city to Bridgewater so it was no trouble at all...
Week 42/2022: Smashing up some herbs
Week of 17 October 2022 Smashing up some herbs On Sunday, Lil Sis and I went to a workshop called “Essential Natural Products”, a three-hour workshop to introduce us to external preparations that we can make at home using plants that can grow in our gardens. One of these...
Week 41/2022: Doing the morning ritual
Week of 10 October 2022 Doing the morning ritual Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been reading Laura Vanderkam’s book Tranquility by Tuesday. This week I started thinking about rebuilding my morning ritual as Laura suggests in the first chapter. It’s the logical extension of going to bed...
Week 27/2022: The (not so great) restart
Week of 4 July 2022 The (not so) great restart My mid-year review last week is supposed to set me up for the next three months at least and I have my three key areas to focus on during this time. I also wanted to get back into my...
Week 22/2022: Recovery mode
Week of 30 May 2022 Recovery mode I’m not very good at resting when I’m sick. My usual approach is as soon as I feel a little bit better, I start right back where I left off without making sure I’m fully recovered. Sometimes it’s been okay but, as...
Tassievore Eat Local Challenge Week 2: Grow something
I used to live in my vegetable garden. I’d quite happily spend all weekend in there, get totally engrossed, completely lose track of time, and occasionally even get something to eat from it. Then we moved back to Tasmania, had a child and my passion for gardening disappeared into...
Tassievore Eat Local Challenge Week 1 – Food Forager
I’ve been busy walking this week, so I haven’t given the Tassievore Eat Local Challenge my full attention. I wrote a post about getting started last week, and have been doing what I can for Week 1’s challenge, which has been to “seek out Tasmanian food and drinks ....
Tassievore Eat Local Challenge – Week 1
Week 1’s Tassievore challenge was “Try Something New”. The challenge organisers posted some ideas on their Facebook page, including: Try growing something that you haven’t grown before. Try cooking Tasmanian quinoa. Try a drop of local cider, wine or beer that you haven’t tried before. Visit a restaurant or...
P365 – Day 322 – here be dragons (eggs)
A while very long time ago, Juniordwarf and I met up with the fabulous Kim from frogpondsrock to create some dragons eggs. One of the highlights of that day was walking through the bush and finding the huge eggs that Kim had made for the event and hidden in...
P365 – Day 206 – tea time
I went to the naturopathica today to stock up on some herbal teas. I am hoping the ‘cold and flu’ tea provides some relief from my head cold. ...