Category: gardening

P365 – Day 37 just go and plant something

Like my house, my back yard is something of a mess. When I refer to myself as a ‘gardener’, I think it would be more appropriate for the word ‘wannabe’ to be put in as a disclaimer. Or else to describe myself as ‘someone who likes to think about...

P365 – Day 36 i haz tomatoes

Today I picked the first of my tomatoes from my vege garden weed patch. I’m not sure what sort they are (I can’t find the label under the weeds), but they are really nice, sweet cherry tomatoes. We also have zucchinis, but I always forget to go and check...

P365- Day 32 watering can

I used to have one of those plastic watering cans. An el cheapo one that probably replaced another el cheapo one. This one ceased to be useful when the ‘shower head’ part of the watering can (I just googled it – it’s called a ‘rose’) shattered when I was...

P365 Day 15 – the jungle (15/1/2011)

Our back yard has a fenced off section behind “Slabs’” home brew shed that is ‘mine’. I have my own tin shed, which is filled with gardening tools, seeds, magazines, sporting equipment and old furniture that we don’t have a home for any more. It’s a prime target for...

P365 Day 5 – Peter Cundall (5/1/2011)

I’ve had this book on hold at the library for months . . . it finally came in yesterday.  I don’t think I was expecting quite such an old version of the book (published 1985) but it’s very cool: it’s spiral bound and printed on waterproof/weather proof polypropelene, intended...