Category: flowers

P365 – Day 316 – show time

This weekend is our local Garden Club’s Flower and Horticultural Show. The show is mainly for flowers, but there are sections for things like produce, home brewing and photography, and there’s also a kids’ section. For Juniordwarf’s age group, there were classes for photographs and for models of a...

P365 – Day 262 – flowers (19/09/2011)

Our last day. Juniordwarf, Slabs and I went to Floriade, Canberra’s annual spring festival, with Grandma.               We had a couple of hours there. Juniordwarf loved smelling the flowers, even the ones that weren’t scented.   In amongst the stalls was the Chilli...

P365 – Day 240 – some of what we did today

This morning I looked into Juniordwarf’s room and this is what I saw: He said he was lining up all the numbers. He’d obviously run out of room at the bed and had to continue the sequence under his bed. He was taking one number or one picture under...

P365 – Day 236 – spring has sprung

Last week one of my workmates was saying how lovely it was that spring was finally here: the weather was warming up, the spring bulbs were in bloom and it was still light at 5 pm. Another colleague insisted that it wasn’t spring yet; that there was still two...

P365 – Day 199 – a flower for mum

A couple of weeks ago I was having a moan on Twitter that I couldn’t think of anything to take photos of for this project and one of my Twitter friends suggested that I check out the Hipstamatic app. She’d been posting some really lovely photos, which were very...

P365 – Day 135 i don’t want to go outside

Here are my photos for this week’s Sunday Selections over at Frogpondsrock. This afternoon at about half past three, Juniordwarf suddenly decided he wanted to go outside. We’d been inside all day, even though, as days nearing winter go, today wasn’t too bad. Still, I was quite cosy inside...

sunday selections – sunflowers

Here is this week’s post for frogpondsrock’s Sunday Selections project. Since so many people said they liked the sunflowers photos, here are some more. Most of these were taken in 2008, with a couple more recent ones. This is the vege garden with lots of sunflowers.  Look how tall...

P365 – Day 68 sunflowers

Several months ago, I signed Juniordrawf up to the Yates Junior Landcare Sunflower Challenge. The idea was for the kids to plant some sunflower seeds, that were provided free (yay), grow and maintain their sunflowers and, once the plants were fully grown, submit photos of their tallest sunflower and largest flower...