Category: creativity

Catching up

So this blog-as-accountability-partner thing isn’t working out as well as I’d hoped and I’ve missed several weeks. The several weeks don’t have much going for them. All those 6/7 and 7/7 weeks seem like a lifetime away, and most of the healthy habits I’ve been trying so hard to...

Art from trash

Two years ago I was lucky enough to go with Kramstable’s class on an excursion to, among other things, the Art from Trash Exhibition. It’s an annual event run by the Resource Work Cooperative at the Long Gallery in the Salamanca Arts Centre, which “encourages the reuse of discarded materials...

Book 19/24: Big Magic

This was a book I’d heard of, seen around, glanced through occasionally in the bookshop, not read for an online book club that I’m not really in, heard other people’s opinions of (well one other person), and finally decided to borrow from the library. I finished it in four...

30 days of growth mindset: day 23

I’ve lost count of the days since my reset. I think I’m up to day 23. That will do anyway. I’ve been wondering what I can do to explore the growth mindset further before the end of the month. There are a couple of exercises in Carol Dweck’s book I...

30 days of lists – days 5-8

A lot has been happening, so the next few days will be catchup posts. To start with, here are the next four lists for my 30 days of lists project. (Days 1-4 are here). I’m having fun with this challenge, even though I’ve dropped a few days behind. Day...

30 days of lists – days 1-4

I recently heard about 30 Days of Lists and decided that it might be fun to join in. It’s a 30 day journalling challenge, where you get a prompt for a list every day, that you can record in any way you like. It could be as simple as...

P365 – Day 322 – here be dragons (eggs)

A while very long time ago, Juniordwarf and I met up with the fabulous Kim from frogpondsrock to create some dragons eggs.  One of the highlights of that day was walking through the bush and finding the huge eggs that Kim had made for the event and hidden in...

P365 – Day 299 – wreck this journal

Earlier this year I bought a book called Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith. The subtitle of the book is ‘To Create Is To Destroy’. Bascially it is, as the name suggests, a book that you are supposed to wreck. Each page has an instruction for something you’re supposed...