Category: cows

east coast retreat (sunday selections)

I’m linking up with River for Sunday Selections today with some photos of our recent getaway. We went away for a few days to the East Coast of Tasmania. It’s not an area I know well, though I have visited parts of the coast previously and I have vague...

P365 – Day 281 – two metre tall (8/10/2011)

This weekend is the official opening of Two Metre Tall’s Farm Bar season.  Yay! Scenic! To celebrate, the Farm Bar is open all weekend. Yay! Juniordwarf learns self-photography Lil Sis kindly agreed to drive us, so we all squeezed into her car for the trip. We met up with...

P365 – Day 149 Deyrah Dexter

Today’s post is an unexpected set of photos for Frogpondsrock’s Sunday Selections project. This weekend was starting to look like another one of those weekends where I spent most of it moping around the house. I’ve got another cold, which seems to just be a continuation of the last...