Category: animals

Week 51/2023: ‘Twas the week before christmas

The last week of work for 2023 Week of 18 December 2023 The 21st of December Gravy Day. What started as a greeting on December 21 in the official Paul Kelly email group (this is how long it’s been going) is now kind of a mainstream(ish) Thing. Someone else...

Week 40/2023: We’re half-way there

Week of 2 October 2023 Point to Pinnacle: We’re half-way there Go on, you know you want to sing it . . . Walk preparation, week 6 It’s now been six weeks since I started preparing for the Point to Pinnacle walk on 19 November. There are six weeks...

Week 38/2023: Point to Pinnacle: One month in

Barb and the Mountain: Month one update Week of 18 September 2023 Point to Pinnacle: One month in My goal for the end of the first month of my Preparing for the Point to Pinnacle Program was to walk seven kilometres. This is about a third of the distance...

Week 26/2023: Pilates and shoulders and habits

Week of 26 June 2023 Atomic Habits Part 6 Starting Pilates I started my physio-supervised Pilates program last week. How it works is, the physiotherapist has two clients sharing an appointment. This means she can set one person up with their first exercise and make sure they’re okay, then...

21 for 2021: week 16

Week 16/2021: week of 19 April This week I started Chapter 4 of the Change Journal, which is called the Circle Trick. This is a technique by Sigur∂ur Ármannsson,  which Tim Jaudszims, the Change Journal author, says he has modified a bit. It asks you to list your tasks...

12 of 12 April 2015

Today was the Derwent Valley Autumn Festival, which is one of the biggest events held in the Valley each year. The weather forecast wasn’t sensational, but there wasn’t any rain or wind forecast, so we had everything crossed that it would be a nice day. It was a chilly...

Holiday Day 2 (Part 2): Cradle Mountain

If you know anything about Tasmania, you’ll probably have heard of Cradle Mountain.  It’s one of our most well-known landmarks and is a hugely popular area for visitors. I’d not been there since I was in high school (so you know, about 12 years ago), when our family spent...

12 of 12 December 2013

Thursday 12 December was a pretty ordinary school and work day. 1 of 12 – School bank day. 2 of 12 – Lunch order day (Thursdays we have to remember two things!) 3 of 12 – This flower caught my eye on the way to work. 4 of 12...

P365 – Day 285 – excursion (12/10/2011)

Juniordwarf’s class went on its first excursion today.  A bus trip to a nearby wildlife sanctuary, Bonorong Park. The school asked for parents to go along and help out, and I decided to volunteer. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from a day with 40 or so kids,...

P365 – Day 149 Deyrah Dexter

Today’s post is an unexpected set of photos for Frogpondsrock’s Sunday Selections project. This weekend was starting to look like another one of those weekends where I spent most of it moping around the house. I’ve got another cold, which seems to just be a continuation of the last...