Week 28/2023: Backs and shoulders, arms and eyes (part 2)
Week of 10 July 2023 Backs and shoulders. Well, really, just backs. This is where I write an update about how great I’m doing with my shoulder exercises and how much better my back is feeling right? Well, actually no. Nothing has got better and, if anything, it’s got...
Week 15/2022: Hey and away we go
Week of 11 April 2022 Hey and away we go This was a short week leading into the Term 1 school holidays and the Easter break and I really needed that break. We had a holiday booked to the mainland that I’d been nervous about ever since Slabs suggested...
Black & white 7
The final three black & white photos from 2017. The project begins again in 2018....
Black & white 6
It’s time for the next seven black & whites. Some of these seem like such a long time ago, but it was only a couple of weeks. ...
P365 – Day 100 amber
If I’ve calculated correctly, today is Day 100 of my Project 365. So I thought I’d use today’s post to explain where things are up to right now. You might have noticed that over the past couple of weeks, the style of my photos has changed quite a bit. This...