Walk In Her Shoes – Week 2 Update

A quick update on week 2 of training before I start the 20,000 steps Walk in her Shoes challenge tomorrow morning.

I increased my daily step goal from 15,000 last week to 17,500 this week. This has meant even more extra walking. Unlike last week, this week I managed to get out of bed early every day (except on Saturday and Sunday, when I was away and it wasn’t an option).

I have a street circuit for my morning walks that takes me about 40 minutes and is a bit under 4 km, which works out at a bit less than 5,000 steps – it seems to vary depending on whether I use my pedometer or my Fitbit. I think the pedometer over-reports and the Fitbit under-reports, so I’m going to go with the Fitbit count to make sure I’m doing the full 20,000 steps.

This week’s daily step totals were:

  • Monday: 19,017
  • Tuesday: 22,929
  • Wednesday: 21,222
  • Thursday: 20,275
  • Friday: 16,658 (I was away so no afternoon or evening walk)
  • Saturday: 15,487 (I was away so no morning walk)
  • Sunday: (We’ll call it a rest day)

Tuesday was a big day. I did a 6.42 km walk after lunch, which took me an hour and 11 minutes. Going out for a 6 km walk in the middle of a 29 degree afternoon was probably not one of my better thought out ideas. The idea is to challenge myself, not make myself sick!

So based on this week’s results, I think I’m going to be able to complete the challenge – but, as I discovered this week, it’s a lot of extra walking from what I’m used to, so it’s not going to be easy.

Roll on 5 am tomorrow.

I can do this!

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