Week 34/2024: A quieter week

A quieter week

Week of 19 August 2024

After the excitement of the Stranger Sings! opening week, this was a quieter week.

Stranger Sings lives

This was the second and final week of performances and yes, I did go again.


I loved it just as much as I did the first time, and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to see this show so many times.

Justice for Barb

When I started watching Stranger Things I was excited to see a character called Barb.

What happened to her wasn’t  . . . nice . . .  and I’ve since learned there was other people who shared my feelings about Barb’s fate.

In the musical there’s a line in the song ‘Barb’s Turn’ which goes:

. . . someone’s gonna bring justice for Barb
Now I won’t be ignored
Soon I’ll be adored
When the Internet comes around . . .

I wondered what that meant because obviously the Internet wasn’t a thing in 1983. It turns out there was a movement called #JusticeForBarb that the writers of the musical decided to reference in the song.

There are also t-shirts.

A logo in red text on black fabric with the words JUSTICE FOR BARB
Justice for Barb

I have one. I wore it to the show.


In the absence of anything to write about this week, here are some photos I made during the week.

A black bird standing on a rock in the water with its wings outstretched. There is a small gull on the rock too.
A cormorant at the beach with an uninterested gull
A wide-angle photo of the beach. There are large rocks in the foreground and whispy clouds in the blue sky
Wednesday morning walk
A close-up photo of an empty multistorey building with some lights on inside in the stiarwell
The lights are on . . .
An empty car park bounded by a wall with a huge mural on one side and a white wall on the other
A recent addition to this wall by Jasper Kelly
A double rainbow above some trees in grey cloudy skies
Double rainbow from my front door

Week 34 summary

Habit tracker

  • Walk 8,000 steps: 6/7 days (and I only missed one day by 66 steps)
  • Shut down at 9.00: 5/5

What was the best thing about this week?

Seeing Stranger Sings! again.

What did I notice this week?

A fly on a flower

A close-up photo of a fly on a spiky flower stem
Fly on a flower

What did I learn this week?

The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme has been set up so that eligible Australian businesses can hire workers from 9 Pacific islands and Timor-Leste when there aren’t enough local workers available.

What am I reading?

  • Saltblood by Francesca de Tores
  • The Butterfly Garden by Rachel Burton
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