Week 25/2022: I finished!
Week of 20 June 2022
I finished!
As I wrote last week, I handed in my practical learning session for my TAFE literacy tutoring course (thing 8) that Kramstable had helped me with last Sunday. All I needed to do to complete the course this week was to make any additional changes to that assignment (if there were any), finalise my session follow-up report and hand that in, and make any final amendments to it after my teacher had seen it.
I got the feedback from the learning session on Wednesday, which meant I could finish the final assignment. I handed that in on Thursday morning. Later that day I got an email from the teacher to tell me it was all good, I had completed everything satisfactorily and, as a result, have finished the course!
What a feeling!
I wasn’t sure if I’d get there because there was a lot of work involved in doing the course, especially the assessment tasks, and I’d had a lot of other stuff going on around me at the same time. But I made it and I am so grateful to Lil Sis and Kramstable for being my case study learners I could practise my skills with.
It was a great experience too, to meet people who work within the adult literacy sector and to learn from them, and it added another level of understanding to the work that I currently do. I felt really supported by the teachers, and appreciated their feedback, especially when it became apparent I was starting to doubt myself. (Me, doubt myself? Who would have thought?) Their attitude that it’s okay for a tutor to say they don’t know something and that things won’t always turn out as we’d hoped helped me a lot, and I certainly appreciated them pointing out I needed to trust myself and end encouraging me to keep learning.
And with that, I have completed a thing from my 22 for 2022 list. It’s the only one of the things I had planned to do this week that I actually did, but I’m happy with that. Sometimes, as I learned in the sessions, things won’t turn out as I planned.

I had not one but three medical-related appointments this week, including an ultrasound on my shoulder, which concluded that I should have gotten treatment much sooner than two years, or however long I’ve had this injury. It was one of those things that didn’t bother me except when I was doing particular actions, which I didn’t do very often, so I’d not really thought that much about it. I thought that, like other injuries, if I just left it, it would eventually resolve itself.
It did not and it would not have.
The result of that appointment was an instruction to rest, two days off work, return to “light duties” and some physiotherapy appointments.
What did I want to try out?
I’ve been trying to get my morning routine back into place and focusing on having my meals at the table, without my phone, and taking a few mindful breaths when I first sit down, to transition into this place and this activity.
I did neither of those things successfully this week, so much so that I forgot to track the no phone at meals thing. It’s because I didn’t have the phone at the table that I couldn’t track that I didn’t have it.
22 for 2022 summary
- Things completed to date: 6 (8, 10, 11, 13, 18, 22)
- Things completed this week: 8
- Things I worked on this week: 2: (8, 21)
- Things in progress: 3 (1, 12, 21)
- Things not started: 13 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20)
What do I want to do next week?
I need to catch my breath and work out what I want to do next now I’ve finished TAFE. Actually, it seems like a good time to do a mid-year review of my entire 22 for 2022 list and figure out if I still want to do everything on there or if I want to change some things up because my priorities might have changed since the start of the year.
Weekly summary
What did I learn this week?
I learned what bursitis is and what happens if you leave it for two years without treatment.
What was the best thing about this week?
Finishing the TAFE course.
What I’m reading this week
- You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
- The Book of Joy by His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV, Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum
Habit tracker
- Days I went for a walk in the morning (Goal = 7): 2
- No phone at breakfast (Goal = 7): 3 (I forgot to track this, so I’m not sure!)
- Days I did my morning planning routine at work (Goal = 4): 4
- Days I did controlled breathing (Goal = 7): 7
- No phone at lunch time (Goal = 7): 3
- Days I did my post-work pack up routine (Goal = 4): 4
- Finish work by 5.30 (Goal = 4): 4
- Days I worked on my art (Goal = 2): 1
- Days I read a book (Goal = 7): 7
- Days I went for a walk or did other physical activity in the afternoon (Goal = 5): 5
- Days I shut my computer down before 9.30 (Goal = 6): 6
- Weekly review at work: No (I wasn’t at work on Friday to do it)
- Weekly review at home: Yes. Well. Some of it.