19 for 2019
I’ve been mulling over my 19 for 2019 list that I posted about on Wednesday and I reckon I’ve settled on a doable list that includes a few easy wins (though some of them have been on the list since 2013 . . . so that may be debatable ), a couple of long-term projects and some things I would do if I just made the time to sit down and do them.
I tried to avoid putting things on there that are more like habits I want to adopt or improve, so that I have a list of things that, with a couple of exceptions, have a clear endpoint that I can cross off and say they’re done.
So, what is this list, you may wonder. Wonder no more.
19 for 2019
- Complete the 31-day photography course
- Make a folio of my best/favourite photos throughout the year
- Walk from Taroona to Moonah (just because it rhymes!)
- Book my skin check
- Read 12 books, at least six of which are fiction (I will keep my reading list updated)
Some of the books I will probably read in 2019 - Do a 12-week fitness program
- Get an ND filter
- Complete the online writing course at work
- Take the coins to the bank
- Get my sewing machine fixed
- Complete my 2018 photojournal and stay up to date with the 2019 journal
- Make a spreadsheet to keep track of the beers in my 33 Books Co beer tasting journals and add in the beers I have tried from all of the books (I have completed ten of them)
Beer tasting journal number 11 - Go alcohol-free for a month (I can write up the beer journals in the month I’m not drinking beer. That seems fair.)
- Make one photo that I am really proud of and print it big, frame it and put it on the wall
- Explore a track on kunanyi
- Complete a photo project I started last year
- Get a manicure
- Put at least 50 things in the Bucket List notebook (This is a planner by Mi Goals for you to “dream, plan and document 100 things you want to do before you kick the bucket”. I know, make a list about making a list . . . I have had had this book for years and it’s sat on the shelf unopened. It’s either use it or get rid of it.)
Use it or get rid of it - Learn to use Lightroom
And that’s it. 19 things to absolutely, positively do in 2019.
The plan is for me to be able to look back at this list in 12 months time and have done everything on it. In her end of year wrap-up of 18 for 2018, Gretchen Rubin says that she was sure she accomplished much more in 2018 with the list than she otherwise would have. She says, “putting items on the list, reviewing the list, talking it over with [my sister], seeing the list on the cork-board next to my desk, the desire to score a perfect 18 by December 31—all these mean I’m much more likely to get these things done.”
And, she says, it’s fun and she got a tremendous kick out of doing it.
So that’s my aim for this challenge. To have fun while getting things done.
Feel free to drop me a comment if you’re thinking of doing something similar this year. It would be fun to see what other people are doing along the same lines.
Nice one!
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