week in review – 1-4 January 2015
I haven’t done a blog post for a while. I completely forgot about 12 of 12 for December, and I don’t think 2 of 12 would have been very interesting.
At least it would have been a mercifully short post.
When I first started the blog in 2011, it was part of my 365 project, where my aim was to publish a photo and a post to explain the photo every day. I still don’t know how I managed to do this every day for a year.
I don’t think I could do that again, but I do want to blog more regularly. I think my travel blog last year my trip and getting sick afterwards threw me out a bit and I never really recovered my momentum. I’ve forgotten 12 of 12 twice since I got back. I’m 4 months behind on sorting through last year’s photos for Project Life and I still haven’t even looked at my photos from my trip, let alone printed any.
But time marches on, and there are new photos and new stories to tell.
I’ve tried to stop taking photos to give myself time to catch up, but there are always the little things that catch my eye or that I think will make me smile when I look back on them. So I keep taking photos. The key is making a note somewhere about why I took the photo, which is something of a hit and miss process at the moment. If I can’t remember I have to ask Juniordwarf what’s going on in the photo (as they’re invariably photos of him), and half the time, 2 or 3 months later, he can’t remember either.
After I finished my 365 project, I’d thought I’d do a weekly post about what was going on, but I think that only lasted a week. If the daily blogging did nothing else, it forced me to keep records!
So I’m going to give the weekly thing another shot, if for no other reason than keeping my toe in the blogging water.
Here’s January week 1:
I went back to work on 2 January. Conveniently, the Taste of Tasmania was still on and I accidentally went there in my lunch break.
We went to a BBQ on Saturday. Juniordwarf and I sought shelter under the trees from the 37 degree heat.
My “Norfick” bag by samedog that I got for Xmas had its first day out at the BBQ.
We went to Two Metre Tall on Sunday and their new, glorious, oh my goodnesss I can’t stop drinking this Salty Sea Stout was available in bottles so I had to get some to take home.