P365 – Day 275 – MORE housework!

Today I decided I really needed to follow on from last weekend’s cleaning frenzy 

On today’s list were Juniordwarf’s bedroom

and the laundry. 
Both of these are rooms that kind of terrify me.

With Juniordwarf’s room, I think it’s going to be a matter of working with him to make sure he puts things back where they’re supposed to go after he’s finished with them.

This is a habit I’m trying to get into myself as well. It’s not always easy, especially when I think that I’m going to use that thing/do some more work on that project/ read that magazine/whatever in the next day or two, so there’s no point putting it away.

Only I don’t do it, so the project/magazine/book/thing just stays there.

And then there’s the next thing that I’m going to do/finish/read/work on, and the next one and the next one . . . and before I know it, the room is back to where it was before I cleaned it, I’m getting stressed at the mess, and it takes all day to clean it up again.

Believe it or not, there are things I’d rather spend my weekend doing than tidying up the house.
Today was a really concentrated effort to not only tidy things, but to find places for things that will mean they can be easily put back once they’re finished with.
I hope.
By the way, after I’d cleaned the laundry, I could see the pattern on the floor tiles. It’s kind of cool, I think.
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