20 for 2020: week 26

Week of 22 June

My 20 for 2020 list.

My uni assignment (thing 8) deadline is looming and I now have less than a week to hand it in.

We had our final online workshop this week, where we discussed not only the assignment but also the workplace project that we will be doing for the final module of the course. This project is supposed to be an opportunity to apply our learning from the whole program to a real issue in our workplace. I had an idea for what I wanted to do way back when I first found out I’d be doing this program that relates to an issue I am really passionate about and would love the opportunity to explore in my workplace. I’m not sure if it will fit the brief though, so I’m tossing a couple of other ideas around in my head as well and I’m hoping one of the ideas will be workable for a three-month project.

But I need to focus on the assignment for now and worry about the project after that’s finished.

I have really struggled with this assignment. It seems like a simple topic but I just can’t get my head around it. If I was frustrated with the first one, I can’t describe how I’m feeling about this one. Whatever frustration to the power of ten its, that’s how I feel.

I went into my workplace over the weekend so I could work in quiet and with as little distraction as possible.

I know.

The workplace that I despise because of the noise and the fact that it is impossible to do any work in there becomes the place I end up going to so I can concentrate.

I ended up possibly more confused after two days working on it than I was at the start of the weekend and I’m really anxious about how I’m going to get this done. This coming week is going to be very difficult.

I started to play around with my graphics tablet again (thing 17) in my daily (approximately) 15 minutes (approximately) of creative time. Four days out of seven. Not really a habit. I’m finding it gets awkward to use because I’m not used to the pen but I expect when I’ve completed the assignment from hell I’ll get back into my 15 minutes habit and put more effort into using the pen.

I did morning walk every day, my daily meditation and yoga stretches, and my nightly reading. I stuck to my bedtime five nights out of seven and the nights I missed it, it was by less than ten minutes.

So, if nothing else, I’m pretty much sticking to the key habits I need to maintain as much normality as possible while I struggle through this time.

Now to get back to it.

Summary for the week

  • Things completed this week: 0
  • Things completed to date: 10 (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18)
  • Things I progressed: 2 (8, 17)
  • Things in progress I didn’t progress: 4 (7, 11, 13, 22)
  • Things not started: 6  (2, 9, 12, 19, 20, 21)
  • Days I stuck to my 15 minutes creative habit: 4
  • Days I read a book: 7
  • Days I did yoga stretches: 7
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