Tag: walking

Week 40/2024: WA travel blog part 1

Week of 30 September 2024 A week of travel on the sunny west coast of Australia. Go West! Part one Day 1: To Perth As I wrote last week, we headed off on Sunday for a ten-day holiday to Western Australia. I’d been to WA twice previously, both times...

Week 32/2024: Returning to exercise

Week of 5 August 2024 Nerding and exercising This was another quiet week. I caught up with a friend on Saturday, and we went to an event at the Beaker Street festival. That was fun. Returning to exercise This week, we return to my disjointed account of attempting to...

Week 7/2024: Theatre and walking

Content warning: Euthanasia Week of 12 February 2024 We had a public holiday on Monday, which was very welcome. I went to see the play Last Cab to Darwin on Wednesday. And on Sunday, Kramstable, Lil Sis and I went in Run the Bridge. A Wednesday night out Last...

Week 32/2021: celeriac and leeks

Week 32/2021: Week of 9 August 2021 What did I want to do better this week? This week I wanted to continue trying to get back into my habit of regular morning walks. I guess I’d never really lost the habit, I’d just started to miss a few days,...