Tag: growth mindset

Growth mindset: day 29/30

Also Book 20/24: Jump: A Journey into the Mind of a Champion, by Lydia Lassila and Andrew Clarke. One of the exercises in Carol Dweck’s book Mindset is to find out about the effort that your “hero” put into their accomplishments, rather than assuming they are someone with extraordinary...

30 days of growth mindset: day 23

I’ve lost count of the days since my reset. I think I’m up to day 23. That will do anyway. I’ve been wondering what I can do to explore the growth mindset further before the end of the month. There are a couple of exercises in Carol Dweck’s book I...

Stepping on the cracks: Day 45

If you’ve been following my Travelpod blog, you’ll know that we’ve just got back from a family holiday in Victoria and South Australia. As you might have suspected, my attempt to holiday-proof my routines and continue the Stepping on the Cracks project was a spectacular failure. I ate more,...

Growth mindset – day 11 – learning

I’m learning to do something I can’t do yet. It’s a 30 day program that I’ve had sitting around for ages but never even looked at, let alone started. I thought a 30-day program would work in well with the 30-days growth mindset challenge, but it’s going to take me longer...

30 days of growth mindset: day 10

Alright, after a thousand posts on the theory of growth mindset, it’s time to share some of my daily learnings since I started this 30-day challenge. One of the things I’ve been doing since about December last year has been to write in my journal at least one thing...

30 days of growth mindset: day 9

While I was struggling with how to “implement” a growth mindset over the last few days, and was writing yesterday’s post, I listened to a podcast by April Perry and Saren Eyre Loosli from Power of Moms, a community that I occasionally connect to. The podcast (Ready to go from OWW...

30 days of growth mindset: day 8

I’m struggling with translating the “30 days of growth mindset” challenge into actionable steps, but I’ve had a couple of times in the last week where I’ve picked up on an opportunity to learn. One at work, in a situation where I could have felt threatened and annoyed, but...

30 days growth mindset: Day 1

Day 1 of challenge 2 arrived (yesterday). I wasn’t really sure what 30 days of growth mindset would look like, so I went back to Carol Dweck’s book Mindset and her website, where there’s a quiz you can take to determine whether you have a mostly fixed or mostly...

Challenge 2 – 30 days of growth mindset

I wrote this post several days ago, but have held off on posting it because I’m scared of putting this out there. Also I had intermittent internet over the weekend, so it was difficult to sit down and finish it off, and other things were happening at the same...

Book 13/24: Mindset

I’ve skipped a few book posts because this one is important to me starting out my second #steppingonthecracks challenge next week. I had never heard of the growth mindset until recently. A few weeks ago, I saw it mentioned in three unrelated things I was reading, which made me want to find...