Tag: growth mindset

Week 09/2025: The comfort zone

Week of 24 February 2025 This week I did a couple of things that I’m really proud of doing because they were a little (or a lot) outside my comfort zone. Heading out of the comfort zone . . . Pier+Review On Sunday evening I went along to Andy...

Week 21/2024: A busy Sunday

Week of 20 May 2024 This was a busy Sunday after a solid week at work. Walking, connecting and breathing City to Casino City to Casino is one of the fun runs that Kramstable, Lil Sis and I do every year. It’s a 7 km walk and run from...

Week 17/2024: Somatic stagecraft

Week of 22 April 2024 It was a quiet week. I had Monday off to recover from the holiday and Thursday was a public holiday. Somatic Stagecraft On Saturday I went to a workshop called Somatic Stagecraft with Jem Nicholas and Bec Tilley. Jem is an Alexander Technique teacher,...

Week 8/2024: Sandstone and dancing

Week of 19 February 2024 I had another busy weekend, doing some cool activities Richmond Open House Richmond was a one-off Open House organised to fit in with Richmond’s bicentenary celebrations running from December 2023 to March 2024. Mumirimina A sobering but important part of this is the Mumirimina:...

Week 45/2023 (part 1): Architectural drawing

Architectural drawing Week of 6 November 2023 (Part 1) Another comfort zone challenge In August, I wrote about how I’d planned to do 23 comfort zone challenges for 2023, and how my acting class was one of those challenges. I had another opportunity to do something way out of...

Week 06/2022: Back to work

Week of 7 February 2022 Back to work This week it was time to say goodbye to my casual days at home. School went back on Wednesday, I went back to work and it was the first week of my TAFE course (thing 8). My actions for this week...

Challenge 4: Year of Fear wrapup

The 30 days of doing something that scares me (or makes me uncomfortable) challenge is over. Activity 28 (Sunday): I bought an adult sized hula hoop because apparently this is a good activity to develop core strength. It’s been on my to-do list for over 12 months, and I...

Challenge 4: Activities 21-27

I think I missed a few days after Day 18 (Thursday) when I did three activities (18-20) and learned about the Edamame Threat. Day 19: I was home with a sick boy, so the thing I had booked to do that day didn’t happen. I had to reschedule. Day...

Challenge 4: Facing Fear Days 15-22

In this challenge I’ve gradually been pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone, so most of my activities have been pretty low on the fear-ometer.  A couple of times I’ve tried to do something a bit more scary and haven’t taken the opportunity presented quite as far as I...

Growth mindset: summing up

Today is the end of the (extended) Challenge 2, my 30-day Growth Mindset challenge. Actually I think it was Friday, but I got all mucked up with having a break in the middle of the 30 days and lost track, so as it’s the last day of the month, I’m...