Week 37/2021: the compelling frame
Week 37/2021: Week of 13 September 2021 What did I want to do better this week? Be more mindful and observant, and start to develop my capacity to explore. So, how did that go then? As I said last week, I’m struggling to remember to do it. This week...
Week 24/2021: rocket man
Week of 14 June 2021 What did I want to do better this week? Last week I said I wanted to focus on sleep and just sleep. I’d been creeping my shutdown time past 10.15 and not leaving enough time to wind down before my 10.30 bedtime. With a...
Week 22/2021: sunrises and crackers
Week 22/2021: week of 31 May I didn’t achieve a bunch of things this week, but I think I learned a lot. 21 for 2021 update Vegetable of the week (thing 2) Thing 2 is to choose a different vegetable every week from the book In Praise of Veg...
Week 21/2021: websites, exercise and Tasmanian stories
What did I want to do better this week? That thing about doing afternoon exercise. I’ve been working through the Wicking Centre’s Preventing Dementia MOOC, which is a free online course open to anyone interested in learning about what the risk factors for dementia are and how to modify...
21 for 2021: another thing done
Week 20/2021. I cooked celery soup and finished updating my resume. ...
21 for 2021: week 18
Week 18/2021: week of 4 May 2021 21 for 2021 update This week in the Change Journal I tried out the Eisenhower Principle chapter, which I am familiar with but don’t think I’ve ever actually used. It’s a way of prioritising things according to their importance and their urgency. I’ve...
21 for 2021: week 16
Week 16/2021: week of 19 April This week I started Chapter 4 of the Change Journal, which is called the Circle Trick. This is a technique by Sigur∂ur Ármannsson, which Tim Jaudszims, the Change Journal author, says he has modified a bit. It asks you to list your tasks...
21 for 2021: week 13
Week 13/2021: week of 29 March 2021 This week, I started the last of the five habits in chapter 7 of the Change Journal (thing 4). This habit relates to a challenge I’ve started this month with Trina O’Gorman to write for at least 15 minutes every day. Trina...
21 for 2021: week 12
Week 12/2021: week of 22 March I still haven’t started a new chapter of the Change Journal (thing 4) but I have been working my way through the Habits chapter (7), the Clarity chapter (8) and the Pitch Yourself chapter (9). I mentioned doing the UK trip book (thing...
21 for 2021: week 10
Week 10/2021: week of 8 March 2021 21 for 2021 update I feel Ike I haven’t really progressed much this week in terms of my 21 things. I didn’t do any cooking so I didn’t make a new vegetable recipe (thing 2) and I didn’t start a new chapter...