Category: sleep

Baby steps

So I’ve now publicly confessed that I’ve become somewhat more relaxed about sticking to some of the healthy life choices I’d been succeeding with, and have had a good hard look at why it might be a good idea to make some changes to get things back on track (she...

Challenge 10 – 30 days of more sleep

At the start of this year, or at the end of last year – sometime a few months ago anyway, I did that thing where you choose three words for 2017 to guide you over the course of the year. I’ve seen several people do this. I don’t know...

Evening routines (Challenge 3): Day 24

The evening routine challenge is going well. Moving on with it, Day 4 of the Asian Efficiency Evening Routine Challenge is to make improvements to your sleep environment to help you get a better night’s sleep when you do get to bed. There are a tonne of resources out there...

Challenge 3: Evening rituals – day 22

Day three of the Asian Efficiency Evening Rituals Challenge  is to track your rituals. Gretchen Rubin discusses habit tracking in what she calls the Strategy of Monitoring  in her book Better than Before. She says: “Monitoring has an almost uncanny power. It doesn’t require change, but it often leads to change,...

12 of 12 March 2016 – Part 2

Part 1 of this post, in which I try to get into the habit of an earlier bedtime, is here. The story continues . . . I decided that, even though I wasn’t feeling so good, I’d get up and go for a walk this morning. Slabs suggested I...

12 of 12 March 2016 (Part 1) – all about sleep

Saturday 12 March 20126 – Day 5 of Walk in her Shoes. **1 of 12:** According to my Fitbit I was only awake/restless for 18 minutes of the 8 hours I was in bed last night. I can assure it that its calculations are wildly inaccurate, as I was...

P365 – Day 321 – sunrise

Juniordwarf and I stayed with Aunty Lil Sis and Uncle Mr Tall last night. Even though we didn’t have to be up early, my body clock decided not to let me sleep in. Not cool, as I was very tired from getting over this cold/flu/virus or whatever it is...