Category: self

Week 09/2025: The comfort zone

Week of 24 February 2025 This week I did a couple of things that I’m really proud of doing because they were a little (or a lot) outside my comfort zone. Heading out of the comfort zone . . . Pier+Review On Sunday evening I went along to Andy...

Week 08/2025: A quieter week

Week of 17 February 2025 This week was quiet. I was home by myself without Kramstable, who’s busy starting uni life, and Slabs, who was away for family and work commitments. A hairy situation I was super super excited on Tuesday night to see the show A Hairy Situation...

Week 07/2025: A hot week

Week of 10 February 2025 The first full week without Kramstable at home. Monday was a public holiday, which I really needed. It would have been hard to go to work the day after the day I’d been so sad. A hot week . . . and then not...

Week 06/2025: Planes and boats . . . and a whale

Planes and boats . . . and a whale Week of 3 February 2025 A hard week. Perhaps the hardest one yet. But also some light. The final week And not even a full week. The week leading into the day I’d been dreading since I found out Kramstable...

Conversations and change

Some more of week 3 and the start of week 4. Conversations and change A wonderful conversation My post about Kramstable getting ready to leave home received a lot of responses, and I thank everyone who took the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate your kindness and...

Week 03/2025: An amazing week

An amazing week Week of 13 January 2025 This week was a little better than last week, but I still found myself bursting into tears at random moments as I continued to think about Kramstable’s impending move. I have much more to say about this, not all bad. But...

Week 02/2025: Sadness settles in

Sadness settles in Week of 6 January 2025 The first full week of 2025. It was . . . challenging. The story of moving out The story begins when Kramstable said he wanted to live in Melbourne. He first mentioned this a few years ago but that’s all I...

Week 50/2024: Acting and art

Week of 9 December 2024 This was a much better week than the last two weeks have been. My sore back has settled, and I saw some wonderful art and some amazing theatre. Oh yeah, and I was in a play. Acting and art Uncensored I must start with...

Week 48/2024: Endings

Week of 25 November 2024 This week I was tired. Things just didn’t work out. I didn’t sleep enough, I hurt myself exercising, I am very tired, and to top the week off a family member who I don’t live with, but had visited the day before, tested positive...

Week 46/2024: Recovery week

Week of 11 November 2024 I was tired this week after two busy weekends in a row so I wanted to take it easy. That worked well, apart from a hurried trip into town very early on Monday morning. The light was nice though. Trans awareness week 13-19 November...