Category: productivity

Week 46/2021: a frustrating week

Week of 15 November 2021 A frustrating week Following last week’s post about building in buffer and recovery periods during your day so you can come to your work at your fullest capacity, this week has felt like a continuation of the last two. I’ve felt like I have...

week 45/2021: a life without problems?

Week 45, week of 8 November 2021 A life without problems? Sometimes it’s cool how, when there’s a message you need to hear, it comes at you from more than one place, and shakes you about a bit and says “hey, listen to this!” So this week, someone said...

Week 25/2021: the wild places

Week 25/2021: Week of 21 June 2021 What did I want to do better this week? Shut down and go to bed earlier. Get more sleep. So, how did that go then? In my post about the book Spacemaker, I said that I’d decided to introduce a daily pause,...


Spacemaker: a book review of sorts I’ve known Daniel Sih for many years. Now, when I say “known”, I mean that I’ve attended a couple of his training courses and am on his mailing list. That qualifies as knowing someone these days, right? I first became aware of Daniel...

21 for 2021: week 18

Week 18/2021: week of 4 May 2021 21 for 2021 update This week in the Change Journal I tried out the Eisenhower Principle chapter, which I am familiar with but don’t think I’ve ever actually used. It’s a way of prioritising things according to their importance and their urgency. I’ve...

21 for 2021: week 17 update

Week 17/2021: week of 26 April 2021 I  had a lovely day out with my sister and her friend at Mt Field National Park on Saturday, which was great because I could forget all about my to-do list and concentrate on  not rolling my injured ankle clambering over large...

21 for 2021: week 16

Week 16/2021: week of 19 April This week I started Chapter 4 of the Change Journal, which is called the Circle Trick. This is a technique by Sigur∂ur Ármannsson,  which Tim Jaudszims, the Change Journal author, says he has modified a bit. It asks you to list your tasks...

21 for 2021: week 15

Week 15/2021: week of 12 April 2021 21 for 2021 update Working through the Change Journal (thing 4) I’m still working on the journalling chapter (Chapter 24), which relates to the new habit in Chapter 7 that I’m trying to form of doing 20 minutes of writing every morning. I didn’t...

21 for 2021: week 12

Week 12/2021: week of 22 March I still haven’t started a new chapter of the Change Journal (thing 4) but I have been working my way through the Habits chapter (7), the Clarity chapter (8) and the Pitch Yourself chapter (9). I mentioned doing the UK trip book (thing...

21 for 2021: week 1

Week 1/2021: week of 4 January 2021My 21 for 2021 list.  This was my first week back at work so I decided it was as good a time as any to get back into the pre-work planning routine from the LifeHack program (thing 20). The video suggests following the...