Week 04/2025: And so, to sleep
Week of 20 January 2025 Part of week 4 is in this post about me continuing to come to terms with Kramstable getting ready to leave home. It’s getting closer and closer, but there are other things going on as well. This is the rest of the week. A...
Week 03/2025: An amazing week
An amazing week Week of 13 January 2025 This week was a little better than last week, but I still found myself bursting into tears at random moments as I continued to think about Kramstable’s impending move. I have much more to say about this, not all bad. But...
Week 02/2025: Sadness settles in
Sadness settles in Week of 6 January 2025 The first full week of 2025. It was . . . challenging. The story of moving out The story begins when Kramstable said he wanted to live in Melbourne. He first mentioned this a few years ago but that’s all I...
Week 51/2024: Long exposures
Week of 16 December 2024 My last full week of work for 2024. I was desperately trying to get a piece of work finished by Friday. It didn’t happen. Long exposures Morning walks I met up with the photographer Andy Hatton to pick up my Dorney House print from...
Week 50/2024: Acting and art
Week of 9 December 2024 This was a much better week than the last two weeks have been. My sore back has settled, and I saw some wonderful art and some amazing theatre. Oh yeah, and I was in a play. Acting and art Uncensored I must start with...
Week 47/2024: Photos of the week
Week of 18 November 2024 This wasn’t a super exciting week. Here are some photos. Photos of the week Historic Fisheries Research Centre in Battery Point I must have walked past this a hundred times and never noticed it. This shed is the only building remaining from Tasmania’s first...
Week 46/2024: Recovery week
Week of 11 November 2024 I was tired this week after two busy weekends in a row so I wanted to take it easy. That worked well, apart from a hurried trip into town very early on Monday morning. The light was nice though. Trans awareness week 13-19 November...
Week 45/2024: More art and architecture
Week of 4 November 2024 Last week was about art, and this week was about more art and architecture as well. Art and architecture Art After seeing two art exhibitions last week, this week I decided to top it with five. It wasn’t deliberate. I was just in the...
Week 44/2024: Art and food
Week of 28 October 2024 The last public holiday before Christmas has gone, and we’re into the final two weeks of school for my Year 12 student. There are hints of warmer weather too. If I were a proper gardener, I’d be thinking about tomato plants. Weekend wanderings in...
Week 40/2024: WA travel blog part 1
Week of 30 September 2024 A week of travel on the sunny west coast of Australia. Go West! Part one Day 1: To Perth As I wrote last week, we headed off on Sunday for a ten-day holiday to Western Australia. I’d been to WA twice previously, both times...