Category: Huon Valley

21 for 2021: week 13

Week 13/2021: week of 29 March 2021 This week, I started the last of the five habits in chapter 7 of the Change Journal (thing 4). This habit relates to a challenge I’ve started this month with Trina O’Gorman to write for at least 15 minutes every day. Trina...

Tahune airwalk

Seven years ago, we went to the Tahune airwalk, which is in southern Tasmania, just out of Geeveston. It’s part of a site known as Tahune Aventures and I wrote a post about the 2015 trip here. Sadly, the area was badly affected by the Riveaux Road bushfires in...

Tahune AirWalk

Slabs and I went to the Tahune AirWalk  many years ago, pre-Juniordwarf. We thought he might like to go there, so after talking about it for ages, we finally picked a weekend and went. The Tahune AirWalk is about 28 km from Geeveston in the Huon Valley. It’s located...

P365 – Day 344 – lunar eclipse (10/12/2011)

After our visit to our friends’ place in the Huon, we made good on our plan to go tenting* in their back yard. It was a great idea, because it meant we didn’t have to rush home in time for dinner, so we could catch up properly, have a...

P365 – Day 288 – catching up (15/10/2011)

After Juniordwarf’s swimming lesson this morning, we travelled down to the Huon Valley to visit some friends who we hadn’t seen for ages. We had a lovely afternoon catching up, celebrating them finishing their university course and watching Juniordwarf get acquainted with their cats. The weather was exactly as...