30 days of lists – days 1-4
I recently heard about 30 Days of Lists and decided that it might be fun to join in.
It’s a 30 day journalling challenge, where you get a prompt for a list every day, that you can record in any way you like. It could be as simple as writing each list down on the back of an envelope or as complicated and arty as you want to make it.
There are no rules, and you can even change the prompts if you don’t like them. There’s an online community to join if you want to chat to other listers, you can post your lists on your blog or do whatever you want with them.
And what you end up with is a nice little snapshot of your life in lists.
I didn’t want to make it too complicated for myself, so I decided to use my Clairefontaine mini-reporter pad, which has lovely thick lined paper, perfect for my growing collection of Lamy Safari rollerball pens. (Many thanks to my lovely family for buying these for me for Xmas.)
I came in a couple of days after the challenge started, so I’m a couple of days behind. I’ve been posting my photos on Instagram (using #30lists) and am going to post them here every few days.
So to begin, here’s Days 1 to 4.
Day 1: What’s new so far this year. This one’s pretty self explanatory.
Day 2: Projects I’m working on. Basically some of the things from my 100 things to do list that are on my to-do list right now.
Day 3: Things younger me would like about current me.
- I still watch Doctor Who
- I have a garden with a couple of potential secret garden spots
- I still have my favourite childhood teddy (when I can get him away from Juniordwarf)
- I have my own radio show
- My iPhone
Day 4: Favourite time wasters.
Funny that one of the things on this list is “making lists” . . .
And as for being nit-picky and not finishing things – I’m forcing myself to not make these lists perfect, and to do one each day so that I do get them done, rather than think about it and decide I can’t do it because I don’t know what to write.
Stayed tuned for Part 2.
I have to make lists for my overseas trip:What do I need to pack?How much money do I need to take? What currencies?What do I have to do before we go?And so on.