Week 1/2024 (part 2): Annual review
Week of 1 January 2024 Annual review: The week after the in-between week I was meant to go back to work this week. To clarify, I was supposed to have last week off, a public holiday on Monday, another day off on Tuesday, and go back to work on...
Week 52/2022: It’s not the end
Week 52/2022: Week of 26 December 2022 It’s not the end I’m one of those lucky people for whom the end of the year is an enforced shutdown. My favourite thing to do during this week is to not do anything and not go anywhere. And that is precisely...
Week 52/2021: the last week of the year
Week 52/2021: Week of 27 December 2021 The last week of the year I had a break from work this week, which was beyond nice. It meant I didn’t have to go out. If you’ve been following along these past few weeks you’ll know that I’ve not been in...
2020 in review
Susannah Conway’s Unravel Your Year 2021 workbook asks you to describe the year just gone by in three words. It’s left open to you how you interpret this: you could, I imagine, choose three words that describe the year from a global perspective, from a personal perspective or anywhere...
19 for 2019: a review
It’s coming up to the end of the year so it’s a good time to reflect on my 19 for 2019 list: what went well and what I didn’t quite do. I haven’t posted for a while because there hasn’t been much to say now. Every week since week...
Weekend wisdom 3
A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. This week was a mix of a couple of intense days and a couple of less intense days where I was able to slow down and deal with the backlog of...
The new year
I posted a different version of this post on instagram this morning with a non-sunrise picture of the beach. You can see a bird if you really look. I was going to do it a couple of days ago, before the end of 2017, but I’m not good on...
it’s been a busy year
Regular readers of this blog (if I still have any left) will notice that this is my first post in over three months. I’m not really sure where to take this blog now. In 2011 I achieved my goal of blogging my 365 Project every day, and earlier this...
Project Life Pages December 2011
I’ve been trying to finish off my 2011 Project Life album, and have finally caught up to the end of the year. There are just a few little bits of journalling left to do, and about 12 actual scrapbook layouts that will slot in at the relevant months. They’re...
Project Life Pages November 2011
I’ve spent the past few days trying to catch up with being several months behind with the journalling for my 2011 Project Life. Last night I got to the end of November, so all I have to do is select the photos for December, print them, put them in...