Week 01/2025: Activities for a new year
Week of 30 December 2024 It feels weird to call this week 1 because it started in 2024. But hey, my diary says it’s week 1, and I’m beholden to a paper planner, so week 1 it is. This week was half a week of holidays, two days of...
Week 5/2024: Dreamworld
Week of 29 January 2024 I had a couple of fun nights out this week. Here’s the story of one of them. Pet Shop Boys I have loved Pet Shop Boys since I first saw them on Countdown in 1986. (Might actually have been the original release of ‘Opportunities’...
Week 51/2023: ‘Twas the week before christmas
The last week of work for 2023 Week of 18 December 2023 The 21st of December Gravy Day. What started as a greeting on December 21 in the official Paul Kelly email group (this is how long it’s been going) is now kind of a mainstream(ish) Thing. Someone else...
Week 40/2023: We’re half-way there
Week of 2 October 2023 Point to Pinnacle: We’re half-way there Go on, you know you want to sing it . . . Walk preparation, week 6 It’s now been six weeks since I started preparing for the Point to Pinnacle walk on 19 November. There are six weeks...
Week 38/2023: Point to Pinnacle: One month in
Barb and the Mountain: Month one update Week of 18 September 2023 Point to Pinnacle: One month in My goal for the end of the first month of my Preparing for the Point to Pinnacle Program was to walk seven kilometres. This is about a third of the distance...
Week 37/2023: Airmail
The first airmail service from Tasmania Week of 11 September 2023 The things you find in piles of old papers Looking through some of my mother’s papers on the weekend, I discovered a letter written to my grandmother, who was living in Melbourne, from her brother, my great uncle,...
Week 28/2023: Backs and shoulders, arms and eyes (part 2)
Week of 10 July 2023 Backs and shoulders. Well, really, just backs. This is where I write an update about how great I’m doing with my shoulder exercises and how much better my back is feeling right? Well, actually no. Nothing has got better and, if anything, it’s got...
Week 26/2023: Pilates and shoulders and habits
Week of 26 June 2023 Atomic Habits Part 6 Starting Pilates I started my physio-supervised Pilates program last week. How it works is, the physiotherapist has two clients sharing an appointment. This means she can set one person up with their first exercise and make sure they’re okay, then...
A weekend retreat: Mount Field National Park
Mount Field National Park Week 24/2023 (part 2): Week of 19 June 2023 When we lived in the Derwent Valley (it seems so long ago now), we used to take the occasional trip to Mount Field National Park. Sometimes for short walks, sometimes to camp overnight. Prior to colonisation,...
Sustainable living weekend
The Big Weekend of Sustainable Living Ideas On Saturday, Lil Sis and I went to Sustainable Living Tasmania’s Big Weekend of Sustainable Living Ideas, which was held across two venues in Bridgewater. SLT put on free buses from the city to Bridgewater so it was no trouble at all...