Category: weekend wisdom

Weekend wisdom 9

I went through my email inbox this morning and I didn’t get a lot this week that I really want to remember so it’s a short post this week. One thing I’ve been loving lately is James Clear’s new weekly 3-2-1 email, which offers three ideas, two quotes and...

Weekend wisdom 8

A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. This week, I stumbled on Dr Sarah McKay, a neuroscientist who studies women’s brains. She’s also an author and presents the ABC’s Catalyst program. On her blog Your Brain Health, Sarah...

Weekend wisdom 7

A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. Sometimes I find it interesting that emails, usually from lists I never remember subscribing to, all come in around the same theme, which are often things I’m grappling with at the...

Weekend wisdom 5

A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. Nothing on perfectionism came through my inbox this week. I’m kind of relieved. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and think it’s time to stop thinking and start doing stuff....

Weekend wisdom 4: perfectionism meets comparison

A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. Perfectionism has been the major theme in the things that have caught my eye over the last couple of weeks and I think I’m calling an uneasy truce with it now...

Weekend wisdom 3

A weekly review of things that came through my inbox that I found interesting and want to remember. This week was a mix of a couple of intense days and a couple of less intense days where I was able to slow down and deal with the backlog of...

Weekend wisdom 2

Welcome to another instalment of my (hopefully) weekly posts on the things that came through my inbox that resonated with me this week. (Week 1’s introduction post is here.) First up this week is an old post that I had saved from Ali Stegart’s blog Alphabet Soup and somehow...

Weekend wisdom

One of the things I try to do on Saturday mornings is to go through the backlog of emails in my inbox that I haven’t read or dealt with during the week. I’m a slightly flawed follower of the inbox zero regime and I don’t often get to inbox...