Point to Pinnacle part 3
A backlog of posts about my Point to Pinnacle experience, being a not overly fit, desk-bound, not-getting-any-younger casual walker. Friday 3 August (106 days to go) I’m going to try to follow the 12-week training plan they have suggested for the event. So that means I’ll start it in...
Walking in her shoes 2016 – 1 week to go
I’ve lost my way a bit with my training for the Walk In Her Shoes challenge this year. In previous years I’d set myself a gradually increasing step target in the weeks leading up to the challenge and do everything I could to make sure I met those goals,...
12 of 12 October 2015 (the Zoe edition)
If you got lost a while back, we’ve just returned from a two-week holiday in New Zealand. You can check out our adventures over at my TravelPod blog http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog/sleepydwarf/2/tpod.html Zoe and five of the other teddies came with us, and they had a great time too. Yesterday Kramstable (aka...
Week in Review: 26 January – 1 February 2015
This week started off as part of a five-day weekend. I had a day of leave on Friday, a weekend, a public holiday on Monday and then another day off on Tuesday. On Monday Juniordwarf and I filled in for a presenter who’s taking some time off, at our...
Walk in her shoes – the wrap-up
I’ve finished the Care Australia Walk in Her Shoes Challenge! Thank you everyone who sponsored me – I appreciate your contributions. Now I’ll let you into a little secret. Officially I was trying to walk 20,000 steps each day, but my competitive mind had other plans in store for...
P365 – Day 304 – work shoes
Apparently I have three pairs of work pants. I say apparently, because this morning when I got up at stupid o’clock to get ready for work I couldn’t find any of them. Not a single pair of work pants. Out of three pairs! I could have worn a skirt...
P365 – Day 189 – there’s no place like home (8/7/2011)
Yesterday I was on my way to an appointment and was a bit early so I popped into a store to browse, and ended up coming out with a pair of purple shoes. As you do. I’m not really a shoe girl. My shoe wardrobe consists of many casual...
P365 – Day 120 little shoes
Last night Juniordwarf as packing up before bedtime and he decided to put his shoes by the back door. Slabs told him to put them on the shoe rack. I didn’t realise until much later what he’d actually done. It looked so sweet, I had to take a photo...
P365 – Day 54 – these shoes aren’t made for walking
Anyone who knows me will know I’m not much into shoes. Actually, I’m not much into ‘fashion’ either, which is demonstrated by the rather, ahem, casual, attire in which I usually turn up to work. I’m definitely not into heels. The only heels I have are the shoes I...