Week 06/2025: Planes and boats . . . and a whale
Planes and boats . . . and a whale Week of 3 February 2025 A hard week. Perhaps the hardest one yet. But also some light. The final week And not even a full week. The week leading into the day I’d been dreading since I found out Kramstable...
Week 05/2024: Cheese and noodles
Week of 27 January 2025 This Sunday was the last day I got to cook mac and cheese aka cheese and noodles (or was it cheesy noodles?) for Kramstable. (If you’ve been reading along, Kramstable is about to leave home to go to university in Melbourne. It’s been a...
Conversations and change
Some more of week 3 and the start of week 4. Conversations and change A wonderful conversation My post about Kramstable getting ready to leave home received a lot of responses, and I thank everyone who took the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate your kindness and...
Week 03/2025: An amazing week
An amazing week Week of 13 January 2025 This week was a little better than last week, but I still found myself bursting into tears at random moments as I continued to think about Kramstable’s impending move. I have much more to say about this, not all bad. But...
Week 02/2025: Sadness settles in
Sadness settles in Week of 6 January 2025 The first full week of 2025. It was . . . challenging. The story of moving out The story begins when Kramstable said he wanted to live in Melbourne. He first mentioned this a few years ago but that’s all I...
Week 01/2025: Activities for a new year
Week of 30 December 2024 It feels weird to call this week 1 because it started in 2024. But hey, my diary says it’s week 1, and I’m beholden to a paper planner, so week 1 it is. This week was half a week of holidays, two days of...
Week 52/2024: The last week of the year
Week of 23 December 2024 The last (full) week of 2024. This involves finishing up at work, getting ready for Christmas, doing Christmas, recovering from Christmas. Kramstable got some very exciting news, which isn’t mine to talk about, but will involve some massive changes in 2025. The last week...
Week 51/2024: Long exposures
Week of 16 December 2024 My last full week of work for 2024. I was desperately trying to get a piece of work finished by Friday. It didn’t happen. Long exposures Morning walks I met up with the photographer Andy Hatton to pick up my Dorney House print from...
Week 50/2024: Acting and art
Week of 9 December 2024 This was a much better week than the last two weeks have been. My sore back has settled, and I saw some wonderful art and some amazing theatre. Oh yeah, and I was in a play. Acting and art Uncensored I must start with...
Week 49/2024: Falling apart and picking things up
Week of 2 December 2024 Another week where everything fell apart, and I know that’s black and white thinking and everything didn’t fall apart but at times it sure felt like it did. I was still recovering from the injury I did to myself last week, and a lot...