Category: journal

P365 – Day 315 – eleven

Yeah I know, time is a human construct, and it isn’t really 2011 anyway because a few years got skipped over a few centuries ago, and it’s just a normal day and a normal minute, and who really cares because the same time will happen in 24 different time...

P365 – Day 301 – waiting in the car

The view from the car while Juniordwarf and I were waiting for Slabs to finish his errrands. Also, I wrecked my journal a bit more today. And these were ideas I came up with myself – not instructions from the book. Backing the car over it Pigstabbering it...

P365 – Day 299 – wreck this journal

Earlier this year I bought a book called Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith. The subtitle of the book is ‘To Create Is To Destroy’. Bascially it is, as the name suggests, a book that you are supposed to wreck. Each page has an instruction for something you’re supposed...

P365 – Day 226 – project life

This week I was very excited to learn that pre-orders for Project Life were now open. This is the second year I’ve done this project, and I use it for most of my photos. I still scrapbook the special occasions and the photos I love, but for most of...

P365 – Day 124 milestone journal

I mentioned Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project earlier this year. It’s a great book and I’ve been following Gretchen’s blog for a while, but have to admit that I haven’t been putting a lot of the strategies into practice. One idea I recently came across on the Happiness...