Week 52/2024: The last week of the year
Week of 23 December 2024 The last (full) week of 2024. This involves finishing up at work, getting ready for Christmas, doing Christmas, recovering from Christmas. Kramstable got some very exciting news, which isn’t mine to talk about, but will involve some massive changes in 2025. The last week...
21 for 2021: week 13
Week 13/2021: week of 29 March 2021 This week, I started the last of the five habits in chapter 7 of the Change Journal (thing 4). This habit relates to a challenge I’ve started this month with Trina O’Gorman to write for at least 15 minutes every day. Trina...
21 for 2021: week 3
Week 3/21: week of 18 January 2021 21 for 2021 update Some time ago I was chatting to my GP about getting older and how I want to make sure I stay as healthy as I can for as long as I can. I said one thing I’ve always...
I’m back!
Not that I’ve been anywhere. I’ve been lurking, and feeling a bit like my progress in the #steppingonthecracks project has come to a screaming halt. If you haven’t been following my project, it’s a series of challenges where I try out a new habit, technique or idea for 30...
30 days of undone things – days 2-6
I’m now six days into my challenge of doing 30 annoying little things that have been on my to-do list forever and that are mostly pretty easy to do, which which I just can’t seem to get done. Day 2 (Friday): I put everything away off the bench top...
12 of 12 March 2016 – Part 2
Part 1 of this post, in which I try to get into the habit of an earlier bedtime, is here. The story continues . . . I decided that, even though I wasn’t feeling so good, I’d get up and go for a walk this morning. Slabs suggested I...
12 of 12 february 2014
12 February 2014 was a Wednesday, two days after a Public Holiday. This week is the second week of school and I’m still trying to get myself back into the routines. I’m struggling. 1 of 12 – The sun rose. 2 of 12 – Juniordwarf’s current obsession is the...
P365 – Day 331 – i could write a lot about my bad day . . .
. . . but I won’t. It would all be ranty, venty stuff. Instead I will focus on something good. I know Juniordwarf is only five, and he’s only in Kinder and there shouldn’t be too much pressure on him and he will learn and develop at his own...
P365 – Day 326 – bringing in the bins
For quite a while, Juniordwarf has been bringing in the bins on Tuesday if we ask him to. A couple of weeks ago he took it upon himself to bring them in without being asked, and has done it every Tuesday since then. Brilliant!...
P365 – Day 275 – MORE housework!
Today I decided I really needed to follow on from last weekend’s cleaning frenzy On today’s list were Juniordwarf’s bedroom and the laundry. Both of these are rooms that kind of terrify me. With Juniordwarf’s room, I think it’s going to be a matter of working with him to...