Bruny Island – day 2 (part 1)
This morning we woke to a few spots of rain. Juniordwarf was quite upset by this and demanded an umbrella. When we told him there wasn’t one, he said he’d get his own umbrella. The nearest available umbrella-type object was the cover of his camp chair. Innovative. Today’s maximum...
12 of 12 January 2014
I was introduced to 12 of 12 by my friend Snuva, who has been doing this for ages. All you do is take 12 photos of your life on the 12th of each month. Some days will be mundane, even boring, and totally normal, others will be exciting and...
Last week Slabs, Juniordwarf and I went camping at Mt Field National Park. We really love going there, and it’s been the subject of several previous posts (examples here and here). It’s wonderful to be so close to such a beautiful place, so peaceful and so far removed from...
P365 – Day 294 – camping day 2 (21/10/2011)
After a night of very little sleep, courtesy of a range of factors, including the ever-so-comfortable single air mattress, the party music and late night outbursts from our fellow campers and, quite possibly, some members of our party being rabid snorers*, it was nice to wake up in the...
P365 – Day 293 camping day 1 (20/10/2011)
Slabs and I had been talking about going camping* for a while, but we weren’t sure when we wanted to go or where. Today was Hobart Show Day holiday, and like a lot of other people, we decided to take advantage of this by taking tomorrow off work as...