Week 04/2025: And so, to sleep
Week of 20 January 2025 Part of week 4 is in this post about me continuing to come to terms with Kramstable getting ready to leave home. It’s getting closer and closer, but there are other things going on as well. This is the rest of the week. A...
Week 01/2025: Activities for a new year
Week of 30 December 2024 It feels weird to call this week 1 because it started in 2024. But hey, my diary says it’s week 1, and I’m beholden to a paper planner, so week 1 it is. This week was half a week of holidays, two days of...
Week 3/2024: A week of theatre
Theatrical happenings Week of 15 January 2024 We came home from our shortened, belated Christmas with family on Monday. This week’s weather was up and down, with Tuesday being very hot, followed by rain storms on Wednesday. After a spectacular sunrise. My week involved going back to work, setting...
21 for 2021: week 10
Week 10/2021: week of 8 March 2021 21 for 2021 update I feel Ike I haven’t really progressed much this week in terms of my 21 things. I didn’t do any cooking so I didn’t make a new vegetable recipe (thing 2) and I didn’t start a new chapter...
P365 – Day 156 tread lightly
It was World Environment Day today, and the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens held its annual TreadLightly EnviroFest. Last year was the first time I attended, and I had a wonderful day exploring all of the stalls and activities, and listening to the speakers. I learnt a lot and I...
sunday selections – power plant
Here are some more photos for Frogpondsrock’s Sunday Selections photo project. Go on over and have a look – or post some photos on your blog and join in too! First, here’s what this week’s photos are all about . . . On Friday night Juniordwarf, Slabs, my Mum...